Our Girls I CAN Program is a safe and fun environment for identifying females ages 10-18 to explore their strengths and interests, meet new friends and be mentored by inspiring women of all ages..

Our workshops are fun, interactive and engaging activities that introduce the importance of self-care and how to enhance well-being and self-love. When girls are able to express themselves, hope is created because they have direction. Self-esteem is improved because they see their value.

Some of the topics/activities include:

  • Self-Care
  • How to Love Yourself
  • How to overcome challenges and rise to your potential
  • The Mirror Workshop-Perfection Reflection
  • Transformation De-stressors
  • Creativity that Motivates
  • Discover your superpower
  • YOUniquely Embodied
  • Leader Lab
  • Self-Compassion
  • Dance
  • Yoga & Mindfulness
  • Stress Release
  • Being a Social Justice Kid
  • Candid Compliments
  • Social Media
  • Finding Your Unique Treasure
  • Body Image
  • Making HERstory!

“What I can say about the virtual conference that we were a part of, they greatly contributed to the girls’ morale and lifted their spirits. Sunburst girls were able to connect with peers during a time when they probably needed connection the most and were able to be part of healthy discussion groups. A few were able to get out of their comfort zones and participated, recited poetry, and sang. The care packages from WJF were greatly appreciated by all the girls. It was a really great experience for them, and I hope the group in the fall class will get to experience it in person.”

Sgt. Vue Houa
Sunburst Academy

When girls are able to express themselves, hope is created because they have direction. Self esteem is improved because they see their value.

We encourage girls to Embrace Their Unique Differences.

Our girls programs include:

  • Stepping Into Your Full Positive Power
  • YOUniquely Embodied
  • Leader Lab
  • Self-Compassion
  • Dance
  • Yoga & Mindfulness
  • Stress Release
  • Being a Social Justice Kid
  • Candid Compliments
  • Social Media
  • Mirror Image
  • Finding Your Unique Treasure
  • Body Image
  • Self-Acceptance

This event is free to all girls and made possible by donations and sponsorships.

Send questions to: info@womensjourney.org

GirlsCon Testimonials

We make a coordinated effort to work with girls from all socio-economic backgrounds including at-risk girls from over 35 foster care and non-profit agencies

Female role models are invited to address many of the issues young girls encounter from peer pressure to insecurity about their looks, school performance and relationships. Our programs are fun and interactive. This program enables girls to discover their talents and strengths.

Did you know?

  • Over 70% of girls suffer from low self-esteem
  • From 2007 to 2017 alone, suicide rates have doubled among teen girls

Why is the issue of Self-Esteem in young girls so important?

Statistics from National Association for Self-Esteem

  • 90% of eating disorders are found in girls
  • 75% of teenage girls felt ‘depressed, guilty and shameful’ after spending just three minutes leafing through a fashion magazine.
  • 70% of girls ages 15 to 17 avoid normal daily activities such as attending school, going to the doctor, or even giving their opinion “due to feeling badly about one’s looks.
  • While only 19% of teenage girls are “overweight,” 67% think they “need to lose weight”

Since 2006 the Women’s Journey Foundation has helped thousands of girls overcome feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

  • To believe in myself. Hunter H. Age 10
  • That I have the courage I never knew I had. Sarah W. Age 13
  • I’m amazing in many ways. Kasidy W. Age 12
  • Be yourself and women are as great as men. Nicole O. Age 10
  • To be myself and women are good at things too. Natalie G. Age 11
  • That you should follow your dreams even when people tell you no. Cailyn. Age 9
  • That no matter what obstacles come in your path of life, if you have faith in yourself and enough determination, you can overcome anything. Alesha A. Age 16
  • People talk to us and listen. Janice C. Age 17
  • Was to not give up on myself and that it is possible for anyone to be something in life. Ingrid L. Age 17
  • To love myself no matter what. I also learned that everyone is special. Victoria F. Age 14
  • If I trust myself, I can do better at everything I do. Sierra H.
  • It takes confidence, desire and determination to achieve that which seems impossible. Rebecca F. Age 17

Important Information

Most of our venues are ADA compliant. However interested Participants are encouraged to request special accommodations when registering for programs and services.

We ask that accommodation requests be made at least two weeks in advance of the event or program to ensure we have ample time to make the necessary arrangements.

By prioritizing accessibility, we strive to create an inclusive environment where everyone can participate fully and benefit from our programs and services.

For more information, contact us a 714-754-7399.
