Welcome Girls Scouts, to our first-ever “Making HERstory” Badge Program!

We are excited to offer you the opportunity to earn a badge, and share this educational and inspiring production, as it takes you on a historical journey of learning about some of the many important women who have impacted our society.

For your viewing, the “Making HERstory” event can be found on Eventbrite, which will air on Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 6pm PST.

We hope that you and your troop will join us to watch this event and celebrate the achievements of great women, all while you earn your badge!

To earn your badge, you will need to fulfill a certain number of requirements, based on your GS level, as explained in the flyer, and then …submit your completed projects (photos are acceptable) to us via email with your mailing address.

Once we receive your submission, we will mail you out this first-ever “Making HERstory” Badge!

To register to view this event, and to sign up for the badge, please go to the Eventbrite website – REGISTER HERE.  Once you are on the event page, go to “TICKETS”, and select the “Girl Scouts Badge” option.  *There are other ways to fulfill the badge requirements if you are unable to watch the production.

Have FUN! Learn about WOMEN in History! Earn a BADGE!

We look forward to seeing your creations and sharing them on our website and social media.

Values That We Embrace:

  • Celebrate diversity – it’s way more interesting.
  • Recognize the value in each and every soul.
  • Everyone needs a helping hand, once in a while – and that’s ok!
  • Education is key to realizing potential and charting a path.
  • Change is created when women engage and become masters of their own life.

Educate. Empower. Engage.

 Click the button below to download the PDF of Badge Requirements.

Download “Girl Scouts Badge Requirements” GS-Making-HERstory-Badge-2021.pdf – Downloaded 1371 times – 583.03 KB

Please send your completed requirements (photos of projects are acceptable) to the following email:


Make sure to add “Making HERstory Girl Scout Badge” in the subject area or embedded in the email. Also, include your full name and/or your parent/guardian’s information and mailing address.